Car Rental
Best Prices on All Cars Guaranteed. Complete Your Booking Now & Save! Unbeatable Prices. We Speak Your Language. No Credit Card Fees. Services: 24hr Phone support, Additional coverage, Additional driver, One-way hire, Unlimited mileage.
Car Leasing
Autorentals Co Ltd offers the best service in Car Leasing giving the client their chosen vehicle with the best terms and conditions stress free and reliable service 24/7.

Weddings & Events
Autorentals also provides all types of transport for weddings and events, committed to be the most reliable transport services on the Maltese Islands we are prepared to provide the best service for your wedding or any type of event with 24/7 service to make sure everything is on point and right on time.
Autorentals along with various partners is committed to provide the best and most reliable service Limousine Service for your transportation service on the Maltese Islands as we are prepared and experiences to cater for all sectors managed by our team.